The Network Code Conference

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What will Network Codes achieve? Which model of the European energy system and markets are they paving the way for? What are the main challenges of their implementation?

The European Commission, ACER, ENTSO-E and ENTSOG are jointly setting up a conference on 4 May 2017 to discuss these questions, celebrating the results achieved so far and looking upon the implementation challenges. The conference will be preceded by an evening reception on 3 May, with the participation of Commissioner Miguel Arias Cañete.


(Dinner) Brussels Comic Book Museum, Rue des Sables 20, 1000 Bruxelles Belgium

(Conference) Centre de Conference Albert Borschette, Rue Froissart 36 1040 Bruxelles Belgium


On Tuedsay 2 May, you will receive an email from the European Commission containing an ePass. PLEASE print & bring this ePass AND your ID card on 4 May. Without these you will not be able to entre the Albert Borschette Conference Centre.


We are informing you that the event will be filmed / web streamed. Full speeches or parts of them may be reused for internal documentation or in any public communication activity or pedagogical project. Your participation to this public event involves the acceptance of being filmed and no restriction fee will be asked for any use or reuse of the recorded images. The link to the webstreaming on 4 May is


  • Ended
  • Registration is not currently available.

By the power of Tito